Elect Arkansas Democrats

Elect Democrats Up and Down the Ballot

Izard County Democrats; IzardDems.org

Shaping the Future, Ideals in Action

Pro-Life and Healthcare

Stand for Children commits itself to helping students receive a quality education regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or geographic location. The organization engages parents to actively support their children’s education.

Making Life Better in Izard County

At schools, teachers are change makers. So, what happens to student learning when only one in six teachers in a district has proper training? Adequate funding can help teachers develop the skills needed to make a difference.


photo of shouting horse under cloudy sky
photo of shouting horse under cloudy sky

Your help is instrumental

man in white crew neck t-shirt standing beside woman in black sleeveless shirt
man in white crew neck t-shirt standing beside woman in black sleeveless shirt